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St. Matthew & St. Michael's


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Christ Church


Good morning brothers and sisters in Christ, hasn't it been a beautiful week of weather?


Car wash at St Michael & All Angels is cancelled this coming Tuesday, 25th March, due to a funeral service. Don't worry, it's back the following week, 1st April (No joke!).

Firstly, a notice about Mothering Sunday on 30th March, I think, considering that it's a special Sunday for many people in our churches, and that some of our brothers and sisters struggle to move between churches and different service times, we'll skip Mothering Sunday as a United Benefice service and have the celebrations in our parish churches. So, I'll be taking Holy Communion at St Matthew's and St Michael's, and Carleton will take a service of the word at Christ Church, thank you Carleton. We'll then have the next United benefice service at St Matthew's, in June. 

Alpha Course: Starting Thursday, 24th April at 7:00 pm in St Matthew's church hall. We'll begin each session with a hot meal, followed by a video and discussion. This is part of our Confirmation preparation for those wishing to be confirmed by Bishop Mark, the Bishop of Chester, on the revised date of 7th December. Alpha is also ideal for anyone interested in learning more about Christianity. Please invite friends and family.


With every blessing

Vicar Jane xx

Our Churches are Now Open 

**St. Matthew's is open for the Sunday Morning service at 9:30am

also live streamed

Wednesday Morning at 10:45am for Holy Communion (BCP), **

**Christ Church is open for the Sunday Morning service and live streaming at 10:45am**

 **St. Michael's is open for the Sunday Morning service at 11:00am


Wednesday Holy Communion takes place at St Matthew's (BCP) at 10:45am


                              St Matthew's                                                  Christ Church                                                  St Michael's


1st Sunday      9:30am:  Holy Communion                         10:45am:  Family Service                               11:00am:  Morning Prayer


2nd Sunday     9:30am:  Morning Prayer                           10:45am:  Morning Prayer                               11:00am:  Holy Communion


3rd Sunday     9:30am:  Holy Communion                         10:45am: Family Communion                          11:00am:  Morning Prayer


4th Sunday     9:30am:  Morning Prayer                            10:45am:  Morning Prayer                               11:00am:  Holy Communion

                                                                                        4:30pm:  Evensong


5th Sunday                                                                  10:30 Joint Benefice Service


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